Why is it called a “Summit”?

From its inception, the New Church Development Teams of the Michigan Area wanted this event to be different. REACH Summit is the beginning of a year-long relationship of ongoing support through a REACH Network Group or coaching. The "Summit" is just the gateway into the network. When people attend conferences they often leave with "Post Conference Stress Syndrome."  The exciting ideas and concepts learned and discussed at the conference are often no where near the reality of their local church right now, and they may feel overwhelmed. The “conference” part of the REACH Summit really is just the net that we’re casting for the REACH Network Groups. We want to equip you with relationships and tools over a year-long process that will help you accomplish the goal of reaching more people for Jesus Christ.  “Summit” felt like a great name to describe that intention.

Can I attend the REACH Summit, but not join the REACH Network Group?

Yes. Come and be inspired and equipped. There’s no requirement to join a network group. Of course, we think that will be like eating the appetizer and not actually getting to the entrée!

Can I join the REACH Network Group without attending the REACH Summit?

Absolutely! If you look over the website and see a vision track that really grabs your imagination, there’s nothing keeping you from joining that REACH Network Group even if you can’t make the REACH Summit. In this case, you’re missing the appetizer but getting the entrée!

Will the Workshops just be advertisements for the REACH Network Group?

No!  Each of the workshops on Saturday are designed to give you practical tools that you can use when you get back home. Those practical tools and your experience in the workshop will give you a taste or a preview of knowledge you’ll gain by joining a REACH Network Group.

Can clergy and laity attend the REACH Summit?

Absolutely!  We think that’s the best way to attend. Bring your whole leadership team with you.

Is the follow-up REACH Network Group just for clergy or can laity attend as well?

Each REACH Network Group is different. You’ll have the opportunity to attend two workshops and this question will be answered during that session.

Do I have to be interested in church planting to benefit from the REACH Summit or a REACH Network Group?

No. That’s we called it a "REACH Summit” and not a “Church Planting Summit.”  Every church is called to reach more people and REACH Summit has a lot to offer to help every church accomplish this. Of course, you just might be inspired for your church to plant a church in one of many ways!

Is the Schedule Available for Reach Summit?

Yes. A downloadable schedule of events will be posted prior to the event.


REACH Summit - Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church