Category: Podcast
Podcast: Making disciples for Christ through a Vital Merger

Is your congregation known as “the church that …” How could vital mergers position your church to better reach out to your community? Podcast guests Margie Bryce and Scott Walsh address… Continue Reading Podcast: Making disciples for Christ through a Vital Merger
Podcast: Jim Griffith and learning from new churches

Jim Griffith, of Griffith Coaching, talks about what established churches can learn from new churches.
Podcast: Tom Bandy and cultural theology

Demographics expert, church consultant and author Tom Bandy gives us the latest scoop on Mission Impact v3.0. He also talks about the difference between strategic planning and strategic thinking. (And… Continue Reading Podcast: Tom Bandy and cultural theology
Podcast: Beth Estock on leading and living into callings

Beth Estock, one of the “foremost futurists” in the church and a consultant with the Epicenter Group, talks candidly about leading and living into our callings in this post-Christendom society.
#churchdifferent: Episode 2

What happens when the world changes overnight? How do we do church different? Hear from: Jon Ferguson, New Thing/Chicago; Rachel Gilmore, church planter and Path1 staff; and Eric Kieb, Grace Church/Bay City, Mich.… Continue Reading #churchdifferent: Episode 2
Podcast: Christian Coon on failure being a good thing

Fundraising flop? Service slump? Vocational vacillation? Christian Coon knows how you feel. We talked with him about getting beyond the pit of despair that comes after a fail. Coon is… Continue Reading Podcast: Christian Coon on failure being a good thing
Podcast: Wade Burnett and multi-site churches

Podcast guest multi-site church consultant Wade Burnett talks about who launches multi-site venues and how you can begin to envision that model for your church.
Podcast: A ‘Fresh Expression’ of church with Kris Beckert

Church on the Run, Church in a Fishing Boat, Church at the Burrito Joint … the list goes on. Pastor Kris Beckert, trainer and missions strategist with Fresh Expressions, is… Continue Reading Podcast: A ‘Fresh Expression’ of church with Kris Beckert
Podcast: Tim Otto and the importance of having dinner together

Pastor Tim Otto’s church doesn’t look like many others. At the Church of the Sojourners in San Francisco, everyone recreates on Sunday mornings. Worship happens most Sunday nights. No one… Continue Reading Podcast: Tim Otto and the importance of having dinner together
#churchdifferent: Episode 3

What happens when the world changes overnight? How do we do church different? Hear from: Michael Beck, Wildwood UMC, Fla./Fresh Expressions pioneer; Olu Brown, Impact Church/Atlanta; and Cathy Townley, worship coach